Thursday, August 13, 2015


August again..

Its funny how this time of year has been one of landmarks and big changes in my life.

Some forced upon me. Some just as normal as changing seasons...

Looking back...every person whose left a lasting effect in my life , had known me a month and some...give or take a bit in the month of August.

Ain't that deep , when one connects it to the fact im born in June!!

That aside though...

Right from being a wee one... My parents and my sister.

My lasting friendships from school.

My soul mate from college.

My mentors and still dear friends from my first job.

My most interesting work experiences.

My life's hardest and biggest decision.

My happiest times. My saddest times.

My starting all over.

My starting all over again.

And now yet again. Change.

Change is the only constant there is.

People come and people go.

Places. Thoughts. Views. Emotions too..

But when in the moment there is only two things that go through one's mind like two sides of the same coin...

Love and gratitude flipping to deep sadness and heart wrenching pain at goodbyes...

Already the hysterical giggling is a fading memory...

The crowded room now a huge hollow space...

And in the fading light ...they walk away...

There be a big smile on my face...

Just in case someone turns to wave..

That be thunder somewhere ?

And the starting of a drizzle?

It be august .....i walk into the rain..

Safe from prying eyes yet again...

It just be raindrops falling on my face!

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