Thursday, May 4, 2017


You know what....

You're not the ultimate crush that made my heart skip a beat...
yet when you're with me .. yes you take my breath away. 
You know what....
You're not the perfect man...
yet when you're with me you make me forget all mankind.

You know what....
you treat me like a frill..
yet when you're with me you make me feel like i'm all and them some.

You know what....
you're not the most handsome man I have ever met.
yet you're the most wholesome rounded man i know. 
you're angry and hurt...
you're giving and kind...
you have become half the man u could be...
yet you have made me whole...

You know what....
I wished upon a shining star for many many moons...
and finally u walked in the door...

You know what....
I, messed up...
but i will take you're messed up any day too....

For without u , now that you have happened...
i cannot live another day..

You know what....
I hate how you can be to me...

but more than that...
I love you to eternity....