Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Love thy self ....

I am beautiful as me .
Not for my colleagues
Or my long lost lovers
For my friends mostly
For my family muchly
And surely in my fantasies ! 

I am beautiful as me.
Else why do they keep telling me?
In laughs and chit chats
In long winded yarns 
Tales today 
Recaps tomorrow 

I am beautiful as me .
For the strangers I've passed 
And those I will meet.
In my forgotten dreams of yesterday
And my exhausted today 
Maybe in the to be tomorrow ...

I am beautiful as me.
For the scars I carry.
I'm too much ..said he,
I laughed later.... Really ? 
I live , laugh , love. 
I cry , scowl , growl. 

I am beautiful as me.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Some hurts don’t heal.

Some tears don’t dry.

Some memories don’t fade.

Smiling forgotten.

Laughter squashed.

Lost in translation.......

The passage of Time.

Saturday, July 11, 2020


I didn’t say a word.
The heart clenched
The breath stopped.
The tear refused to fall.

The tear refused to fall.

I nodded in silence.
The “may I speak” frozen on my lips.
I heard it all.
The tear refused to fall.

Flashes of a lifetime gone.
Fears of not again.
Swaying unconsciously.
Staring into oblivion.
The tear refused to fall.

“Take a deep breath” said the good angel sitting on my shoulder.
“You’re a failure” said the bad angel on the other one.
A fairy fluttered around out of her depth.
Real life hit.  
The tear finally dropped.