A boring day… a hopeful evening.. a romantic night….
Today was such a boring day with one inconsequential interview after the other. A ray of hope was going to see the new office. I took advantage of my innocent friends and planned a perfect evening. Dropped my car home bummed a ride off Manika and Supriya, I headed to Noida. I wanted to catch a film with my fiancé and go see furniture. We got to Noida, we saw furniture, we got to Spice.. the movie was at 8, I thought 8. 30, we reached at 8.45!
We obviously missed the film, for the second time might I add! The first time I was furious, this time was the second, Aditya just smiled. We tried a new place at the food court, yuck for the 10th time. We went to Chicane, had a drink and came out to the most amazing sight. The sky was wild with lighting, yet not a rain drop in sight. We started driving..the coolest breeze ever and then came the rain. Slowly at first till we got to the toll bridge. My hand was out the window as it came down harder. Stinging my skin, I smile wider. We roll the windows up, the rain pelts down, and the windscreen turns hazy, as we listen to some bollywood track. Poor scooterists stop under the flyover to get some shelter. I know my friend Mayank would say you need a photograph to show what you’re expressing through your words. Damn.. I don’t have a camera attached to my hip. Cars splash through puddles all around us. The fuel gauge is close to empty. As we near a petrol pump I sadistically wish the car will stall so I can get drenched in the rain… but as the rain slows down to a drizzle I think its good that didn’t happen as the upholstery will be ruined.. I wish the petrol pump was closer. I reach home. It’s been 25 minutes. I’m still thinking romantic rainy day thoughts when I switch the bathroom light on. Practical problems come crashing into my head as one lone cockroach scurries out of the drain. The rain starts to pelt down harder… I quickly get into bed. The ants will be out soon….
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Makings of a Blogger - Part 2!
Should I shouldn't I?
A question that attacks me before every decision i take. I had said earlier that Blogging was great because a editor-in -chief or a publisher did not judge what was worthy of printing and what was garbage.
So i have my own blog, brilliant but now i want feedback too. Why are human beings so restless? Why the need for others approval at each and every step of one's life?
So I mailed most of my friends the link to this site. I swear I held my breath when my finger hit the send button.
And then I wanted to stop the mail from going out....from people visiting my site and judging me!
Other people's contradictory views!
Friends thoughts!
Family feedback!
I hope it gets delivered! i hope they visit! i take a deep breath... bring it on!!!!
A question that attacks me before every decision i take. I had said earlier that Blogging was great because a editor-in -chief or a publisher did not judge what was worthy of printing and what was garbage.
So i have my own blog, brilliant but now i want feedback too. Why are human beings so restless? Why the need for others approval at each and every step of one's life?
So I mailed most of my friends the link to this site. I swear I held my breath when my finger hit the send button.
And then I wanted to stop the mail from going out....from people visiting my site and judging me!
Other people's contradictory views!
Friends thoughts!
Family feedback!
I hope it gets delivered! i hope they visit! i take a deep breath... bring it on!!!!
Monday Mornings
Try working for 6 years, 6 days a week with only a Sunday off. Think of three years before that where 6 days a week I would travel to North Campus in Stinky Blue line buses watching everyone suspiciously.
Then there is Sunday, where I sleep till 2:30 ( my mum is a gem!!! she understands completely- or rather she turns a blind eye to my reasons of slumber!) Then i wake up eat lunch...spend 4 hours waiting for my fiance and by then the day is basically over!!!
No personal work is ever completed in one go, no exciting outing ever takes place and exhaustion and depression levels remain the same.
Its an unending cycle of Monday Mornings... and i am just a little blue!!!
Then there is Sunday, where I sleep till 2:30 ( my mum is a gem!!! she understands completely- or rather she turns a blind eye to my reasons of slumber!) Then i wake up eat lunch...spend 4 hours waiting for my fiance and by then the day is basically over!!!
No personal work is ever completed in one go, no exciting outing ever takes place and exhaustion and depression levels remain the same.
Its an unending cycle of Monday Mornings... and i am just a little blue!!!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
11th November 1997 - Suicide....
Jesus! oh shit! How is this supposed to make me a better person??? I'm 17 years old!! How long is this going to go on???? I'm not imagining this.. they can say exactly what they want but i know what i am going through is real. it's as real as any pain anyone has ever felt. i didn't deserve what i got. she always does this. shit!
Will i ever learn?
oh i hurt them well but then why do i sit and cry? my friends love me for who i am.. that's a laugh who am i?
I'm alright now. I am a survivor. i will survive...i wish i had the b**** to end it but i don't... i never have.
i have had worse stuff than this happen so why am i so torn up about this? shit!
I'm OK now.. calm ..composed...kind of...
is it worth it?
i have always glorified this by saying...' you may have won the battle but i will win the war'. i have lost so many battles, i think the war is over and i just wasn't looking. I've lost. i don't really really believe it but i have lost. a war doesn't last for more than 10 years at a stretch continuously does it?
ammunition runs out or spirit dies...
i have lost my spirit but i am sure it will come back to haunt me.
the never ending story - the soap opera - tears, bitterness, rage and love.
i have it all. i feel it all.
I've let myself down. I'm ashamed of myself. I've stooped lower than i ever thought possible. i could say i was driven but i 'm a better person than them.
i deserve better than them,
they deserve better than me.
fate, destiny,cruel but true, some things can't be changed.
grudges set if not washed away soon.
grudges weigh you down. I'm weighed down.
my spirit was my light in this dark tunnel
my light went out
there is no way out.
i will make one.
I'm a rock
a rock feels no pain
and an island never cries...
Will i ever learn?
oh i hurt them well but then why do i sit and cry? my friends love me for who i am.. that's a laugh who am i?
I'm alright now. I am a survivor. i will survive...i wish i had the b**** to end it but i don't... i never have.
i have had worse stuff than this happen so why am i so torn up about this? shit!
I'm OK now.. calm ..composed...kind of...
is it worth it?
i have always glorified this by saying...' you may have won the battle but i will win the war'. i have lost so many battles, i think the war is over and i just wasn't looking. I've lost. i don't really really believe it but i have lost. a war doesn't last for more than 10 years at a stretch continuously does it?
ammunition runs out or spirit dies...
i have lost my spirit but i am sure it will come back to haunt me.
the never ending story - the soap opera - tears, bitterness, rage and love.
i have it all. i feel it all.
I've let myself down. I'm ashamed of myself. I've stooped lower than i ever thought possible. i could say i was driven but i 'm a better person than them.
i deserve better than them,
they deserve better than me.
fate, destiny,cruel but true, some things can't be changed.
grudges set if not washed away soon.
grudges weigh you down. I'm weighed down.
my spirit was my light in this dark tunnel
my light went out
there is no way out.
i will make one.
I'm a rock
a rock feels no pain
and an island never cries...
The Woman
I wrote this ten years ago for a fashion show V.O. yet this is still how I see ….
Some say it’s a man’s world, I say women make the world go round and round!
I present to you the shades of a woman- firy hot and icy cold!
A woman is sacred.
She will provide you warmth when your cold,
a haven when your lost,
honesty when you lie,
profoundest advice when your immature.
But never awaken the lady’s wrath, for she will protect her loved ones in a blind frenzy!
She can terrorize you with her rage
erupt like a volcano,
sting like a wasp
She can also thrill you with her spirit and sensuality. She is passionate and vivacious, thrilling and romantic
She is fire!
Women are hot but also cold,
Icy like sleet on your face
Bitter, biting, hostile
She can be conceited
She can be frozen
Refreshing like the first summer rain,
managing to brighten one’s dullest days with the song of her laughter
and the smile on her face!
There is nothing softer than a young girl’s heart
It melts away the stern looks and harsh thoughts
She relaxes us with her sensibility and wisdom
She is water
Today girls are moving on,
They know how to be the earners of the house.
They can walk the walk and talk the talk!
She is conscious of her surroundings and is in harmony with nature.
She is sensitive
She is sporty
She is ready for anything or anyone
She is ready to take on the world
And fight for what she deserves
She is capable of taming wild animals of any sort
She is dynamite!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The Makings of a Blogger
Meandering thoughts...
Just as one rebelled without a cause to become part of the community.... i mean orkut, facebook, tagged etc., the same happened with me starting my own blog... and finally a friend of mine said do it! and she's not into Nike!!
Its hard figuring out all the different things in the world of Blogs.. its not just 3 steps... but i figure if my mum can learn to use a mobile phone i can learn to blog!
And i don't need anyone to like what or how i write to publish... i can say arggggggggggh with as many 'G's' or put as many explanation marks as i want!!!!!!
And if anyone says anything nasty... i don't have to print it .. because I'm the moderator!!!
Just as one rebelled without a cause to become part of the community.... i mean orkut, facebook, tagged etc., the same happened with me starting my own blog... and finally a friend of mine said do it! and she's not into Nike!!
Its hard figuring out all the different things in the world of Blogs.. its not just 3 steps... but i figure if my mum can learn to use a mobile phone i can learn to blog!
And i don't need anyone to like what or how i write to publish... i can say arggggggggggh with as many 'G's' or put as many explanation marks as i want!!!!!!
And if anyone says anything nasty... i don't have to print it .. because I'm the moderator!!!
An ode to S.S.P.-

originally posted on the delhiwalla.blogspot.com....Picture courtesy Mayank Austen Soofi....
Ever since the sufi saint asked me to write this story I have written it in my head a million times, yet each time it turned out to be a story of my life, which is categorically not what he wants! However I have come to realize that if I want to pen down my thoughts about sujan singh park it will have to be the story of my life and there is no getting around it! Most people do not known of this place, some who are unaware will ask where this park in delhi is located and god forbid, you come across some who are aware they will call say to you ‘ oh you live in upmarket Sujan Singh Park!’
Sujan singh park, with its red brick exteriors, high ceilings and thick walls is probably one of the rare little havens left in this city, however as a child I wanted to live in GK or defence colony or any place where there were other kids around, the only child of my age in my block was a boy! A very shy boy at that!!! I live in g block the only block which stands purely on its own… the rest of this colony if you can call it that have buildings in a clear O with the ambassador hotel forming part of it. But G block is unique; it has its own character completely. Sir Sobha Singh started the legacy of Sujan singh park naming it after his own father and its now owned in bits and pieces by various grand children and great grand children and a few of us survive as tenants under the trust. The history of its being built is however of no interest to me. What is of interest to me is my life in sujan singh park or SSP as we fondly refer to it, which will soon come to an end.
Everyone loves their own house but it’s a rarity that everyone will love your house. I never understood why I was the envy of my friends till the day it dawned on me that my days here are about to end. I have a living room with a fire place, what use is that when delhi does not get so cold you would want a fire or if your upstairs neighbour does light a fire your house is filled with smoke because the chimneys are blocked. What use is a big garden with a badminton net strung across the trees when the dogs keep chasing the ‘ jungli’ cats and interrupting your game? What use is a bathroom the size of a small bedroom when your drains overflow, where cockroaches and centipedes constantly appear and your Royal Doutton pot from the 1950’s needs a plumber equally old to fix???
Well the garden with the lovely ashoka trees planted by my father is ideal for day dreaming, dancing to the songs in your head and soaking up the sun in the day, beautiful big bonfires at night or if you have a paranoid parent who wont let you cycle on the streets of delhi as a child , suffices as a racing track! The fireplace is ideal to hang Christmas cards on or to have a tiny toddler squeeze into to make the perfect picture and the bathroom is spacious enough that even without drawing the shower curtains you need not worry about falling flat on your face in puddles or not having anywhere to move like most bathrooms today.
Almost everyone I know has moved around lived in different houses but for me I have only had one home from the day I was born…SSP… I have lived different lives in each and every corner of this house. In the hallway , switching off the hall light when I come back late at night sneaking a quick kiss, the study which my mother decorated with wall paper for my sister which was first our play ground on hot summer afternoons playing teacher teacher or office office. Teacher teacher her favorite game.. we always fought, she invariably won… she became a teacher , I play office office… the ironies of life!!! Once she grew up and went out on dates, her room , known as the little room was where I would dream of boys and have my private chats on the phone usually listening to Richard marx dare I admit! As I enter my house the living-come-dining room with the huge cooler in the window. A cooler bigger than any I have seen in any home. A cooler I dreamt of on my long journeys home from college when it was 46 degrees and I knew my house would be a good 10 degrees cooler. The living room will comfortably seats about 15 people and needs a ladder if the curtains need to be taken down. My favorite armchair that I used to fight with my dogs for, as it was the best place to read for me or sleep for them. My mothers room where many a tear was shed. The ‘godaam’ or store room, which was my very first half room. Now I say half because my mum realigned her godrej cupboards, fixed a light and a bookshelf and made a space for me to have some privacy... but lets come away from there back out of my mum’s room and come into my room.
For the first 18 odd years of my life it was my dadi’s room where I’d go to watch Doordarshan on the only tv in the house, or play rummy or simply help her make balls of wool out of yarn.
Once she passed away I was given the room on the condition I would have to move out if guests came. Fair enough, but we always had guests!!! Slowly and steadily I made it my own, first with my posters of bon jovi, then with orange and pink curtains and finally with pictures of all the people I loved and who I hope loved me. I spent more and more time in this room and constantly fought for more space. It surprises me still when someone sees my room for the first time and says wow it soo big!!!
I spent the better part of 2006 out of delhi traveling and it was only during this stint out of my home I learnt to value its uniqueness. As my wedding day draws nearer I think of my life here, some dreams fulfilled and some shattered, sorrows and laughter. When people ask me what my biggest fear or apprehension is regarding my upcoming marriage I have only one….. leaving my haven…leaving my home…forever…
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
With you for you always

The wonders of delhi......
The mantra of delhi police.. the tag line for the last 10 odd years.. with you for u always… crap… I love delhi and have to defend it to many a traveler but after the experience I had I think foreigners and diplomats are safer in my city than me!!!
Here’s what happened:
My last birthday as a single independent lady in delhi,16th june 2007, I take my friends to Chungwa in M block market GK – 2 for a nice lunch. The food was ok the service

I decided then and there I was going to fight for my rights. Hale Bob Marley… The problem was who to fight with.
The traffic police said – I’m right get the parking attendant to pay.
The parking attendant said – wait let me talk to the cops and disappeared.
The Delhi police ‘with u for u always’, said- its beyond our jurisdiction speak to traffic police.
Traffic police said – get delhi police to get u your money for the challan from the parking attendant.
Delhi police said – we can’t do that.
So what do I do go find some goonda to beat the parking attendant up or should I have physically assaulted him and taken the money…Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally someone after much fighting said go to Nehru place and lodge a complaint. Brilliant!
So I and my 2 musketeer friends go to Nehru place to fight for my rights.
We expect a government office, we find a dilapidated stinky 4 X 4 room, and I spew out my story.
The chap there too agrees I am not at fault the parking attendant will pay. He calls the traffic police agent deployed at the spot to bring the parking attendant. Half an hour later he arrives with the wrong guy. The chap tells me to go back to gk 2 and find the right parking attendant… its my birthday …. Hrmphf!!!!!!!
I walk out and the traffic police agent says he will not issue me a ticket as it was not my fault…. Why couldn’t he have just said that in the 1st place!!!
Anyhow I still have the evidence, so just incase he was lying and I get a ticket in 2 months because that’s how long it takes…I will re open the case… and if I am honest I will probably just pay the 600 bucks to save from having to go to court!!!
Lessons learnt:
Do not trust the parking guys unless you’re sure its authorized parking with no signs for no parking or tow away zone in atleast a 1KM radius of your car.
do not go to delhi police for any traffic related offence
do not go to delhi police for any help whatsoever… the traffic police is atleast a lot more civil if you speak nicely. Delhi police is rude!
drive as little as possible .
15th june a bike comes and bangs into my car, dents my bumper, and the man yells at me saying ‘ Madaam break marne se pehle… peeche toh dekh lo”, ‘Madaam before u jam on your breaks look behind u”… ya and go straight into the back of the car in front of me that breaked??????
Stand by what you believe in and see it through to the end. It’s a headache but it might just pay off.
Don’t think the traffic police agent actually thought I’d go to Nehru place and fight for my rights!!!
Delhi police cannot give you a ticket unless its at night when traffic police is off duty!!!
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